
Tips For Success

Set a Goal

Before you begin, here are a few things I encourage you to do:

First:  Discern if this is something you think you should do?  Since it’s ultimately a personal challenge, you may feel you are not ready to do this yet, and that is ok.  You know yourself. 

Second: Start to notice your patterns when you look in the mirror.  What are the thoughts that run through your mind?  What are the things about you that stick out to you?

Third:  Write it down.  It may be helpful to journal your thoughts before, during and after, so you can look back and see your own personal transformation. 

Fourth:  What do you want to gain from this?  Is there something you want to want to let go of or believe about yourself that you don’t currently?  Is there something you want to do with the extra time you have not spending in front of the mirror?  Write this on a piece of paper and stick it on your covered mirror to remind yourself during your challenge. 

Power in Numbers

As with most challenges, it’s good to have a buddy by your side, keeping you accountable and
encouraging you when the going gets tough.   Try to get a friend or two to join you in the challenge.  Odds are, you’ll learn to value and trust each other’s input, and be more open to point out what you love about them that they may not be able to physically “see” in the mirror.  You can be each other’s reflections.  

I’m hoping this blog will serve as a support for both you and I as well.

Still Dress to Impress

Just because you don’t have a mirror, doesn’t mean you have to stop caring about your appearance altogether.  It is still perfectly ok to throw on that schnazzy dress and curl your hair (carefully of course)! 

You know the famous saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”  So who beholds your beauty?  Everyone around you.  And they may be thinking, “Wow.  She didn’t look in a mirror this morning?  She looks so beautiful!”  Who defines your beauty?  Not the mirror anymore, but Christ.  And He says, “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you (Song of Songs 4:7).” 

I will be posting how-to videos for makeup application and other beauty tips without a mirror.  If you feel so inclined, you can practice getting ready without a mirror now and see the results.  Look the same? Good.  Don’t?  No worries. 

“Mirror Mirror…Over There!”

The point is not to stay inside and hide in a corner, frantically trying to avoid any possibility of catching your reflection somewhere, but to focus your energies elsewhere.  But so you are aware of where you may need to be cautious, here is a list of places you may encounter a mirror in your daily routine (don’t worry, it will soon become habit to avoid these):

*Easy Peasy: If you don’t share a mirror, you can decorate the mirror in your room with fun quotes and paper to look at.  That’s what I’m going to do!
*Public Restrooms:  Your hands will be extra clean, now that you’re focusing on washing them!
*Driving: Careful with your side and review mirrors.
*Walking past buildings with many windows: Keep your eyes forward, or walk on the opposite side of the person next to you
*Pictures:  Don’t run away from taking pictures, but be aware when the red notification comes up on Facebook highlighting the picture you’re in. 
*Snapchat: You may want to take a break from this phone App for a while, unless your snaps don’t feature your face. 
*Dressing Rooms: Your shopping buddy has now become your prime critic.
*The Gym: See that Treadmill not by the mirror?  Use it. 

Accidentally looked?  Oops!  It’s ok. Try again. 

Don’t Be Overwhelmed

During this challenge, securities and insecurities may bubble to the surface.  You may have days when you feel frustrated.  There may be (many) times that you are tempted to take a glance when you’re washing your hands or just take a peek to affirm that top fits you right, or you may be tempted to drop the challenge all together.  THIS IS OK. 

This challenge is also a lesson to remind you not to take yourself too seriously.  You may walk out the door one day with mascara on your nose or that little piece of hair sticking up.  Guess what: who cares?  Someone may tell you, or maybe they won’t.  At least you won’t have the awkward moment of looking in the mirror later to discover the truth.  Shrug your shoulders, smile, and say, “Oh well.” Then move on. 


Feel free to post a comment or contact me in the Contact section. 

Now you’re ready to begin!