40 days to discover you’re beautiful. Here’s the catch: your mirror won’t tell you. So repaint it.
It Takes 3
Living in a house with 6 girls and being the only one tackling this challenge is a little daunting. We share a bathroom mirror, which means that when I brush my teeth I’ll be staring at a picture of cute babies that hangs above the toilet. Some of you are in the same boat. When your friends are all getting ready in the morning, fixing their makeup in the mirror, you may feel like you’re alone and unsupported. Here is what I recommend:
Before you begin, pick 3 people who you will support you. Tell them about the challenge and ask if they can be your “go to” person when you need to check if you have broccoli on your teeth, when you need encouragement because you want to give up, when you need to be told you’re beautiful and that scarf looks gorgeous on you, and when you need a prayer sent your way. The truth is, we are not meant to do it alone. As you refocus your attention from your external appearance to internal things, certain insecurities may bubble up and require a good girlfriend, sister, boyfriend or mom to share our struggles with. Don’t be afraid to ask, as I’m sure you would do the same thing for your friends.
Also, what a beautiful witness to your friends to see a woman who is happy with who she is and who is striving to find her dignity and worth as a daughter of God! I do not doubt that by the end of the 40 days, at least one of your friends, seeing your perseverance, will have joined you in the challenge. Finally, make sure to sign up for the challenge under the “Join” tab. Providing me your email will allow me to pray for you by name, and send you personal encouragement throughout the challenge. We’re all in this together!
2 more days, gals. Ask away!