Since “Paint the Mirrors” took flight a few weeks ago, I’ve suddenly now noticed bits and pieces of “beauty definitions” plastered all everywhere, from doodles, to coffee cups to bumper stickers on the back of cars. Each time these little gems pop out of me, they scream, “write, share, explore!” So my notebook, once devoted to schoolwork and to-do lists, has begun to fill up with little snippets for blog ideas; and my phone, with random pictures of bumper stickers from dirty SUVs.
Beauty can be found everywhere and in everything, but sometimes it takes a trained eye and an open heart to see it. St. James says,
“if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror. He sees himself, then goes off and promptly forgets what he looked like. But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres…such a one shall be blessed in what he does.” {James 1:19-27)
Whoah, wait a minute. Forgets what he looks like? Isn’t Paint the Mirrors about forgetting what I look like?
Actually, St. James is speaking about the difference between simply believing in something, and actually doing something about it. A person who looks in the mirror can see himself or herself as long as the mirror is in front if him or her, but quickly forgets about the reflection as the mirror is taken away. In the same way, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:14). This is nothing other than radical call to action.
This challenge is not just about walking away from our reflection for 40 days, but taking the next step further to actually reflecting on our reflection. In other words, the next step in preparing to cover the mirrors is thinking and praying about what the Lord wants you to discover during this time. What are you going to do with this sacrifice? Who or what are you going to focus on in place of your reflection in the mirror? In what new ways is he calling you to see things?
Also notice James' emphasis on “perseveres” and “freedom.” A challenge is defined as “a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities.” It is the perseverance that is the battle and makes you into the strongest version of yourself, not the ending victory (thought that is pretty awesome…can’t wait for Easter)! Along with the fight comes freedom of many kinds: freedom from self-criticism, self-centerdness, and the ‘self’ in general. Don't just take a glance, peer as St. James said into things beyond the surface.
“Change how you see, not how you look.” Such wise words posted on the back of a dirty SUV. But that’s exactly what each of us is called to do: see our “dirt” or other’s “dirt” as an opportunity to open our eyes and hearts to see a beauty yet to be discovered.
Paint the Mirrors is about bringing back to life what ought to be in the first place—the very image God has placed deep within us from the very beginning: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you (Jeremiah 1:5).” Rediscover this image that has been a part of you from your very beginning. Look for it everywhere, and you will find it. 6 days!!
Recap of formula for success:
Believe + Action + Perseverance= Freedom.